Saturday, September 26, 2009

Crazy Saturday Morning

So Micah went to Mission, TX to help our church there with a building issue. He is only gone for 24hrs, but wouldn't you know...

My dog (Brooklyn) decides to get a stomach virus in the middle of the night and starts puking all over every surface EXCEPT the tile which would be simple to clean. Ugh! Then Judah has been teething something fierce to the point where I just don't think I can take the screaming and agony anymore. I so wish I could take the pain for him. So....

I wake up at 5 AM to the sweet sound of baby screams. Since Micah was gone and the bed was free I just put him in the bed with me. Usually I would never do that but I didn't feel like getting up again every hour. So he slept pretty good after that. Then in the morning I went to let the dogs out. Being that they'd been pent up in our house for 4 days because of the rain, they went bolting out of the front door and down the street. Not before sliding through the mud in our front yard, of course. So there I am in my "wife beater" and a black bra! LOL A baby on my hip and BAREFOOT, at that. Screaming in my front yard at my dogs. This scares the daylights out of Judah and he starts wailing uncontrollably. So I have to start running down the street because I can't yell anymore. Running, screaming baby, wife beater... not good. Oh, and did I mention that I hadn't showered and my hair was ALL over the place in like a side slept-in ponytail thing and bobby pins were scattered about flopping around in there somewhere. Oh it was just not good. And to top it all off I look up and there are our neighbors all sitting in their garage watching the whole thing, seemingly very entertained. Lord!

So I finally get the dogs in the house (mud prints on the carpet and all) and I get Judah in his high chair so he can eat breakfast. Then it starts (imagine gagging noises from the pit of ... you know where) I had just made Judah's rice cereal and I set it down and ran to Brooklyn, trying to move her to the tile in the entryway. I missed. She spewed all over the front carpet for the 3rd time. So I put down a towel and went back to tend to Judah. Only to find... Well the pictures will better explain anything I could attempt to say....

"Hey Mom, look what I did! You told me you wanted me to start learning to eat finger foods!"

"Look, I am doing such a wonderful job. I only missed my mouth a few times!"

"Mother, forgive me, for I know not what I chew..."

Yes there is cereal in my son's EYES. Don't judge... you would have stopped to take pictures, too, if you had such an opportunity. He didn't seem to mind!


Rachel Moss said...

This gave me a great laugh!